
Wednesday, March 02, 2005


It’s been a long time since I updated my blog but I do have a reason. If you recall from my previous blogs, we are without TV, phone, and internet at our house. Thankfully my mother lives in town and she does. Anyhow, on with the updates.

The company I was working for went under about 2 weeks ago. So since Valentines Day, I’ve been gainfully unemployed. On the flip side the day that I was laid off I had a phone interview with Avanade. They seem to do large scale framework design in .NET. I’ve also had 2 phone interviews with Rackspace and I’m meeting with my hopefully soon employer on Monday. It’s been really weird not working, I haven’t gotten to do any of the things I thought that I would be able to do. No video games, no movies, nada. I’ve spent 6 hours in front of the computer searching for another job. Thank the Lord it will pay off in the end. Speaking of “Thank the Lord”, Steph and I have been saving quit a bit of our income just incase something like this happened. Even after we bought our house, we still have enough in savings to make it through the end of the year if I go that long without any income. So thank the Lord that we are financially sound. As far as finding the job and getting laid off, I know that it’s all in the Lords hands and he will not lead us astray. Proverbs 3:5-6 says it all, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Steph and I have a new addition to our family, our puppy Dusty. She is an Australian shepherd / blue heeler mix. We actually got her two days before we were all laid off. Aside from barking when she has to go (she is only 8 and half weeks today) and nibbling on our hands, she is a good dog. We’ve got the “potty” thing down pretty good. The only time she has any accidents is when we’re gone for 2+ hours. It seems that dogs can only hold it for as many months old that they are. Example, she is 2 months old which means that she can only hold it for 2 hours tops.