Well, it's been a while since my last blog. I've been keeping busy with the new house, work, the side job, marriage, and just life. So where to start first? The new house is coming along great. It seems that the builder works on a group of five homes at a time. We happen to be the only single story in our group of five. They have the ventilation in and the plumbing but the electricity should be in later this week. I'm staying on top of them so all seems to be going well. I noticed some boards that need to be replaced so we'll see how fast I can get that done.
Alas, our boss finally delivered on his promise to feed us. For two weeks he promised to take us out but had to cancel. Finally on Friday he delivered, literally. He brought three pizzas which was perfect. As it turned out, we each had our own bets to see if he was going to cancel again and we all agreed that if he did hold up to his word he would bring pizza. The only gamble was from where would he bring the pizza from? Domino's was the answer and we were happy that he held true to his word...finally :-) Aside from pizza, we're still trekking along with our ASP.Net + C# + MySQL web application. Its fun in a sick, demented way. Everything we do usually ends up having to be redone because of one thing or another. It keeps me busy so I'm thankful for that, but at the same time, it gets frustrating....
My side job is going good. I've had one client every week this last month and thus far everyone has told me how glad they were that they called me. Maybe I'm being naive, but it really didn't come across as the fake 'yeah, you did a good job. Uh, sure, I'll recommend you.' Everyone has been more or less like 'thank you sooo much. I'm going to recommend you to all my friends!' That being said before I even open my mouth and ask if there is anything else. So, Lord willing this will pick up.
Marriage. Steph and I are doing great. We've been married nine months to the date and it has been the best nine months of my life. To anyone reading that is either thinking of getting married, engaged or just married, allow me to give you a little bit of advice. Marriage is the best decision you will ever make IF you realize that not every day will be a honeymoon. Expect problems and be prepared to work them out. When you and your significant other work out any problem, from which restaurant to a big one, you'll find yourself even more in love with him/her. Paraphrasing the Bible, guys, love your wife as the Lord loved the church. He was ready to die for it. And gals, follow the lead of your husband. We men may not be right nearly half the time you are, but we need you to stand beside us, not in front.
I guess that's it for now. Same bat time, same bat channel.