
Thursday, June 24, 2004

Playstation 2 - A Continuation of Metal Gear Solid 3

Bad news sports fans. Last night I placed my MGS2 disc in my PS2 only to have it tell me that there was a Disc Read Error. Disc Read Error!!! Could it be that my disc was scratched? No, the disc was clean and scratch free. So what to do, what to do. I reset my PS2, place the game in the tray, and bam! Disc Read Error! OK I thought, I'll just try it again, make sure the tray is clean and what not. After inspecting everything I put the disc in the tray, reset and lord and behold, Disc Read Error! Why I ask. Why is this happening to me? The game works, I've played it before on my PS2 and have kept it in the proper storage container in the proper temperature, so on and so on. WTF?!


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