We when to the big and exciting city of Kilgore last weekend for Labor Day. Its usually a 6 hour drive without traffic and we made it up in 7 hours. We made good timing except when we hit Austin. We got stuck behind 2 accidents and one flat tire. Thankfully we didn't wait too long to get around them. Moving on, Kilgore is an East Texas city with something like 11 thousand people. It’s a nice quaint little city. Longview is their neighboring city with a population of 75 thousand I believe. As you can tell we were living it up! To be fair, Longview does have a mall and some nice restaurants and Kilgore does have the world famous Rangerets. The Rangerets were the first to do the high kicking dance routine, so I'm told.
The nice thing about going up there was that we caught up on our sleep. There is obviously not a whole lot to do besides visit with family and it was rather relaxing. We did end up going to a McAlester’s while we were up there. McAlester’s is a deli chain that I've personally only seen as far south as Waco. The have really good tea but I think that if they tried to move down here to SA, Jason's Deli would wipe the floor with them. Jason's Deli has a really good foothold here and they offer a little more than McAlester’s. Salad bar and free ice cream are the big one that I noticed. Anyhow, all in all we enjoyed our trip up there but we did not enjoy the 6-hour drive home in the rain!
The nice thing about going up there was that we caught up on our sleep. There is obviously not a whole lot to do besides visit with family and it was rather relaxing. We did end up going to a McAlester’s while we were up there. McAlester’s is a deli chain that I've personally only seen as far south as Waco. The have really good tea but I think that if they tried to move down here to SA, Jason's Deli would wipe the floor with them. Jason's Deli has a really good foothold here and they offer a little more than McAlester’s. Salad bar and free ice cream are the big one that I noticed. Anyhow, all in all we enjoyed our trip up there but we did not enjoy the 6-hour drive home in the rain!
McAlesters Update:
There is a McAlesters in San Antonio, it has been open for just over a month now. It is located on DeZavala road at Cogburn (there is a post office across the street from it).
That paired with the new Buffalo Wild Wings that was built at the same time has complicated the traffic problems further which exist on the over traveled under maintained road. This is also the intersection where cars seem to love to stop on a green light.
Rainman, at 9/12/2004 03:24:00 PM
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