Why isn't this illegal?
M$ in all of its glory and wisdom has a nice little feature Windows XP to make it auto download SP2. My question is, isn't that illegal? I'm all for updates, only when I feel that the update is worth it. But having my computer download something that I don't/might not want?! To get around the auto download, M$ has a tool kit to 'hack' the registry, but still, that's messed up.
Yes I did read the EULA, and yes I did click the I Agree button. However one could argue, weakly, that you are forced to agree other wise you would have a useless box. I say that this is a weak arguement because there are plenty of other OS's out there but to the common person there is one and only one, Windbloz.
Jokerr, at 8/31/2004 09:18:00 PM
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