
Saturday, September 18, 2004

My Birthday

This Friday was my birthday and I turned 23. They guys at work gave me probably one of the most interesting presents ever. I usually get some of the chocolate cupcakes from the vending machines at work when we go to lunch. Well, as we went to lunch, Jason stayed behind to “finish something up”. To my surprise they bought some of they “cup’n cakes” and stuck two candles in them. What made it even more interesting is that they had to make the candles out of a Styrofoam cup! Needless to say that was pretty awesome. My wife gave me one of my favorite pictures of us from our wedding day in a nice plaque with our wedding vows and first dance song engraved in it. It too is an awesome present. As for the rest of the day, we went out to the Tokyo Steak House for dinner. Tokyo Steak house is one of those restaurants where they charge you an arm and a leg and they cook in front of you. It was good but not THAT good. We could have gone to the Fire Hut and paid half the price. But I’m not complaining. We didn’t pay! Any how, thanks to everyone.


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