
Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Open Source vs M$ - Good Documentation

Developing can be a trial if you don't have good documentation. At the company I work for we develop console applications using C#. Its nice, very similar to Java, that has its pros and cons as does any language. VS .NET comes with a nice IDE in which one can easily create a form and what not. I came from a Java background and the transition was smooth for the most part. However there has been one thing I've noticed about migrating to .NET, Good Documentation is hard, nay, impossible to find. In the open source world you can find some good documentation on anything. .NET has the mediocre MSDN and a handful of M$ zealot forums. In the event that you think you found what you're looking for, you have to pay to get access to it. Maybe its me but that contradicts M$ mentality of needing to invite/capture more developers. Granted M$ is not in charged to of the forums, but it is a turn off. What's better is that as soon as you pay to get access to the code, its a bunch of crap! On the flip side, if I need to look something up in the open source world, I can at least get my hands on some source code to get a better understanding of a problem. In the event that I do have to pay for some open source code, which defeats the purpose, its 9 times out of 10 exactly what I'm looking for. Bottom line, if you have to pay you're going to get crappy code in .NET and great code in open source.


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