I have two machines at home, a laptop with Gentoo and a PC with Windblows. The Gentoo box has been stable since I got it configured correctly. That took me about a week off and on but it has been we'll worth it. Minor annoyance but not bugs/crashes/blue screens of death. On the other hand, my PC has been reinstalled numerous times. In fact, I'm reinstalling right now! Why do you ask, because its WINDOWS. The installation process is a no brainer, just load it in the CD-ROM, point click and your off. The only problem is that as soon as you connect everybody and their dog can own your box. I've been pretty good about keeping my box secure as possible. I do the updates through my Gentoo box, installed Norton and keep as much spyware off as possible. Yet some how I always get funny things happening to my Windblows box.
For starters I noticed that my internet connection was going rather slow. Just for S&G I reboot my Windblows box and sniff some of the traffic that's comings from it. Lord and behold I've got open ports and traffic running in and out of them. After investigating I learned that an anonymous person installed some crap on my box while I was away. I guess the question then is why didn't Norton pick up on it. To make things better after reinstalling I managed to keep the box pretty clean. Then my boss asks me to install IIS, it was like painting a big target sign on my box. Sure enough after running it for 2 weeks, I've been noticing those funny quirks. I guess this is the reason M$ Sys Admins get paid well, they have to bang their heads against the wall every damn day!
So why do I use Winblows if its such a pain, good question. Unfortunately for me my family has a very difficult time adjusting to anything they don't already know. I've shown them Gentoo and all of it's Open Source Linux glory but they just can't get over that small mound. Plus the only other reason I run Windblows is for games. Lets face it, if you want to play games, you pretty much need Windblows. Yes I know there are ways to run Windblows under Linux and that some games are Linux compatible, but my machine couldn't hack running a Virtual PC and a game and I don't have any of the games that are Linux compatible.
Winblows, its a loose - loose situation.
For starters I noticed that my internet connection was going rather slow. Just for S&G I reboot my Windblows box and sniff some of the traffic that's comings from it. Lord and behold I've got open ports and traffic running in and out of them. After investigating I learned that an anonymous person installed some crap on my box while I was away. I guess the question then is why didn't Norton pick up on it. To make things better after reinstalling I managed to keep the box pretty clean. Then my boss asks me to install IIS, it was like painting a big target sign on my box. Sure enough after running it for 2 weeks, I've been noticing those funny quirks. I guess this is the reason M$ Sys Admins get paid well, they have to bang their heads against the wall every damn day!
So why do I use Winblows if its such a pain, good question. Unfortunately for me my family has a very difficult time adjusting to anything they don't already know. I've shown them Gentoo and all of it's Open Source Linux glory but they just can't get over that small mound. Plus the only other reason I run Windblows is for games. Lets face it, if you want to play games, you pretty much need Windblows. Yes I know there are ways to run Windblows under Linux and that some games are Linux compatible, but my machine couldn't hack running a Virtual PC and a game and I don't have any of the games that are Linux compatible.
Winblows, its a loose - loose situation.
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